Regardless of whether you’re a beginner struggling with knitting needles or a seasoned knitter with years of experience, these hacks will make your life easier!
There’s an endless resource of tips and tricks that can help you get better at this craft.
It’s all about learning them and giving them a shot. Here are some simple knitting tips that’ll make knitting even more fun.
If you’re working on knitting apparel, it’s important to pick the thread according to the fabric you’re working on. Make sure your thread is appropriate for a fabric that’s stretchable. Knitting with a thread that doesn’t have any stretch can put all your hours of effort to waste. The thread will snap if the cloth stretches beyond a limit. Make sure you avoid this disaster.
How often have you chased a ball of wool rolling on the floor? It can be a nuisance to wrap all that loose wool around. Here‘s a tip to avoid all that hassle.
Pick a small-sized bowl and attach a paper clip to one side of the rim. Place your ball of wool in the bowl and strew the yarn through the gap in the paper clip holders. This will make sure the material stays safe and you don’t waste time running after it.
It can be a nightmare for you if all those hours of knitting to go down the drain if the wool weaves slip off the needles. This can happen if you keep the knitting aside for a while to stretch your back or if the needles slip from your hand.
This can be a horrible setback if you’re nearing the end of the project! If you don’t want that to happen, attach corkscrews at the ends of the needles and there’ll be nothing to worry about.
Have your knitting needles curved, or bent over all those years of knitting beanies? This can make any task at hand more difficult than it needs to be. Replacing them can cost you money that you’d much rather save.
All you need to do is to soak your needles in lukewarm water for a while. The heat will fix the unshapely needles and you can work with them easily.
How many of these knitting hacks did you already know about? Not more than one, we bet!
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